I am a modern Shaman trained in ancient healing ways. I understand what it means to live in the world as a sensitive human being, to live life fully with all of its wonder and deeply difficult challenges.
Over many years and with the support of the teachers who were sent to guide me on my path, I learned to use my gifts of intuition and psychic awareness to overcome personal obstacles, and work for the benefit of others.
My first teacher of 13 years was part Lakota, part Irish. My second teacher was the rainforest in Costa Rica, where I lived and was aided by the Shamans of Chiripo for 5 years. My third and final teacher was from the Reindeer People of Mongolia, with whom I lived for a period of time.
I feel the urgent need to help people connect with and learn from Mother Earth. I feel the times we are living in call us to wake up and pay attention to earth -based lessons. They are the gateway to the seen and the unseen.
I have been doing healing work and teaching for 35 yearsd and I love this work.
I am also a wife, grandmother, bass player, and have worked as an actress, violence prevention specialist, lead singer of a rock and roll band. I have a wonderful son who I raised as a single mother. I’ve lived in Colorado, Ohio, Vienna, Paris, Atlanta, Austria, San Francisco, Costa Rica, Portland, and New York. I’ve traveled a great deal internationally. A good life!
Along the way I have studied with indigenous teachers and Shamanic healers who have passed on to me the roots and wisdom of their traditions.